North East Ambition

The aim of North East Ambition to ensure we have a region where all young people, including those who face additional barriers, have an understanding of the opportunities open to them and the different routes into them.

…and the evidence says we need to do more and earlier.


For Businesses

Through our North East Ambition programme we are working with over 500 education institutions from Primary to FE, supporting them to embed quality careers education. By working with a local school or college, you can inspire the next generation and develop your future talent pipeline.

Research tells us how important this is, whether that “Young people who recalled four or more employer activities while at school were five times less likely to be NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) and earned, on average, 16% more than peers who recalled no such activities.” – Dr. Anthony Mann, Education and Employers, or that “Young people can start making career limiting decisions by age 10, which they solidify by age 14" - Aspires, 2018

Register now to discover what opportunities are available to engage with.



For Schools/Colleges

We support our region's schools and colleges with the planning, implementation and evaluation of their Careers Education provision, aligned with the eight Good Career Guidance Benchmarks. 

A significant aspect of this is facilitating engagement with employers, to ensure that every pupil should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace, as well as first-hand experience of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing, and/or work experience to help their exploration of career opportunities, and expand their networks.

Register now to promote your careers-related activities and events and grow your business network.
